Lou is a fictional character created based on the testimonies of individuals with autism, inspired by two autistic children. Audiences will witness several days of Lou’s life, from her birthday to the first day of high school. Lou is doing her best to adapt to the neurotypical world. Through this virtual reality experience, you will be ableto feel Lou’s world, experiencing fascination, sensory overload,and meltdowns.
Distribution/Distributor : Hubblo
Scénario et réalisation: Martine Asselin et Annick Daigneault
Avec la collaboration de/ In collaboration with Louis-François
Produit par/Produced by Martine Asselin, Sébastien Gros and John
Avec/With Ève Asselin, Annick Daigneault, Justin Diamond, Théo
Gilbert, Lou Leclair, Adrien Nicholas & Joane Rufiange
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