Silent Disco Korea

Silent Disco?

SILENT DISCO is a sound support tech that operates multiple channels through designated headphones and FM transmitters. A headphone user can select and listen to the specific sound source by setting its headphone on a channel it wants. DIGITAL NOVEMBER 2022: CIRCLE will support a new way of cinema experience with silent disco atmosphere. 3 channels for a double feature screening and music sounds will be on each set of on-site wireless silent disco headphones. Enable to transmit separate frequencies of sounds on on-site wireless silent disco headphones we offer for Screenings and Music at your seat as you want. Cinema and Music, Silent Disco will lead you to a new way of cinema experience.


At DIGITAL NOVEMBER 2022: CIRCLE’s Screening events, No need to lose your moment in any way. Silent disco allows you to freely hold a conversation, connection, also gathering or sharing while you have a seat for film viewing. You can have a full control over your experience at DIGITAL NOVEMBER2022:CIRCLE. Just SET, INTERACT, MAXIMISE your experience with our silent disco screening system in our venue. BUT DONNOT FORGET TO LEAVE THEM AT THEIR PLACE AFTER OWN EXPERIENCE.